Learn to master Google+ and word of mouth marketing in this teleconference with authors Guy Kawasaki and Andy Sernovitz on April 16, hosted by SmartBrief.
In this quick, simple, and fun call, you’re going to learn the fundamentals of word of mouth marketing and the basics of how to make the most of Google+. You’re going to learn simple, practical techniques you can use the next day.
What Andy and Guy will teach you:
- Guy Kawasaki on Google+: What it is, how to use it, why you should be using it, and why Google+ is to Facebook and Twitter what Mac is to Windows.
- Andy Sernovitz on word of mouth marketing: How to find people who will talk about you, how to give them something worth talking about, and how to make it easy for them to share it.
Plus! Everyone who registers gets a copy of Guy and Andy’s books — free!
Learn all about it here: wordofmouth.org/masterclass