You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get conversations started about your brand — a little (and really cheap) kindness will always go a long way. For example, Sweetgreen, a healthy restaurant with an environmental conscience, surprises people in amazing, yet frugal ways with “Random Acts of Sweetness.” When it’s raining, their…
WOM Tip #144: Perform random acts of buzzworthy kindness
Video: How Dow Chemical got their scientists to spread word of mouth
You already have a remarkable story to tell. You probably have experts on staff with incredible knowledge, amazing stories, and ideas to share. Your job is to make it easy for them to do it. If you can pull it off, you’ll have these fantastic sources of great, sharable, inspiring content worth talking about. At…
Free comic book excerpt: 4 rules of word of mouth marketing
This post is part of our special holiday giveaway series. When you buy the Word of Mouth Comic Book, we’ll send you a signed paperback edition of Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking for free. Learn more about it at the bottom of this post. If you only ever learn one…
Being customer focused = ROI
This is a guest post from Drew McLellan, CEO and Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group. I recently read about a study done by the world famous company, Peer Insight (you’ll find them in Businessweek on a regular basis), that reinforced my philosophy that focusing on the customer and their entire experience of doing business with…
Free audiobook excerpt: 4 ways to promote positive testimonials
This post is part of our special holiday giveaway series. When you buy the audio edition of Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking, we’ll send you a signed paperback edition for free. Learn more about it at the bottom of this post. Praise from happy customers and adoring fans is nice,…
Video: How Food Network served a word of mouth feast for Thanksgiving
Invite everyone (fans, partners, and even competitors) to your word of mouth conversation and something amazing happens: The conversation becomes much more interesting, robust, and buzzworthy. That’s what Social Media Director Kate Gold and Online Editor Sarah De Heer of Food Network learned from their word of mouth campaign called “The Communal Table.” They brought…