You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
8 case studies on corporate social media
BlogWell: How Big Companies Use Social Media October 28, San Jose Unprecedented insight on social media from Cisco, Intel, Wells Fargo, Walmart, UPS, Kaiser Permanente, Graco, and Home Depot. Learn more about measuring ROI, managing teams, dealing with legal issues, working with agencies, BtoB blogging, internal communications, blogging in regulated industries and…
Word of Mouth Geniuses of the Week
Gord Hotchkiss, MediaPost"Branding by Word of Mouth"Word of mouth relies so heavily on positive recommendations from people you know; here, Gord examines the trust factor and explains why the opinion of someone else means so much to us. (link) Gianluca Diegoli, Conversation Agent"Showing Customer Reviews on Your Site"Engaging your customers in conversation is vital to…
New conference: 8 case studies on the best in corporate social media
BlogWell: How Big Companies Use Social Media takes place on October 28 in San Jose. Learn from: Cisco Systems Graco The Home Depot Intel Kaiser Permanente UPS Walmart Wells Fargo GasPedal and the Blog Council are hosting the event to provide tangible examples for all those companies who haven’t gotten started yet. After all, if…
Jobs @ GasPedal: Make your living writing about social media and word of mouth marketing
Writer/Editor/Blogger: Event Producer: Web/User Experience Designer: Business Manager: Interns, too: What we do, what we believe We want to teach the world to blog. And use social media….
Word Of Mouth Marketing Research: The Opinions of Friends, Family, and Peers Matter Most
You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Guest Genius: David Alston
Each Tuesday, we’re happy to turn over our blog space to a GuestGenius, someone who can give a fantastic and fascinating perspectiveabout making word of mouth work. This week’s guest genius:David AlstonVP, Marketing at Radian6Leader in the field of social media measurement Social media is one of the biggest tools in today’s WOM marketers’ toolkit….
Word of Mouth Geniuses of the Week
Rohit Bhargava, 360 Digital Influence"How to Manage a Blog Crisis Like a Pro "One of the most important parts of successful word of mouth marketing is dealing with those who say unflattering things. Rohit does an excellent job here of describing how you might go about doing itsecret – if it’s worth following up at…