Ian Strain-Seymour: How to get great reviews

11:55 — Kurt Vanderah introduces Bazaarvoice‘s Client Partner & Social Commerce Strategist, Ian Strain-Seymour.

11:56 — Why do we want reviews? “They are table stakes fror brands and retailers.” They establish authenticity.

11:59 — How do you get reviews? “You have to ask. We haven’t found anything more effective than emailing the consumer shortly after their purchase.” Be mindful about timing depending on the product: Give them a chance to try it out and even troubleshoot small issues if they arrive. For example you wouldn’t ask someone 5 hours after they got a TV for a review. They may be still setting it up and faced a few obstacles plugging it in. You may want to wade that setup period out, and wait until they have used the TV and they have some real feedback to provide.

12:04 — When you are already in the “sweet spot” while they are completing a review, take the time to ask a couple burning questions and

12:07 — Keep it simple or make it fancy – there are 2 reasons why people submit reviews: 1. They want to be helpful 2. It appeals to their desire for expertise on a subject matter

12:08 — Shifts gears to talk about sweepstakes and promotions as a way to create a burst in daily volume of reviews

12:10 — Idea: Place “write a review” links on individual product pages.

12:16 — Whew! Already Q&A time

“How do you pull it off product sampling as part of compensation for doing a review?”

Some retailers are working with vendors directly to get a few samples of products as a strategy to further facilitate and bolster sales

“Is it harder to get a first review or a second review?”

The first review is hardest, but then it eases up after that. It’s easier to get a second review because they have done it before and have walked through the process.

Last question is from me: “Is it better to solicit reviews on Yelp and other comparable sites or on your personal website?”

In most cases it is best to house it on your website because all of you company information is there and you are directly adjacent to the top of the funnel. It is also direct traffic to your page. However, if you are a restaurant or other service oriented company, you may want to re-think your strategy and align it with where it matters most for your brand.

Alright, it’s lunch time! It has been a great first half of the conference in the Track 1 room. We’ll be back after scoping out the vegetarian options and hearing a keynote from Southwest Airlines President Emeritus Colleen Barrett on how to inspire employees to earn love from customers.


About Yola Blake

Yola Blake is the lead social strategist at Get Page One, a search-marketing agency in Austin. Her current role includes full-service community management, corporate and small business social strategy, social profile optimization for SEO and editorial project management. Yola is also a contributing author for the Social Media Club's global editorial team and the Austin chapter’s web chair.

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