Continuing our previews for Word of Mouth Supergenius: The “How to be Great at Word of Mouth Marketing” Conference on December 16 here in Chicago, we bring you word of mouth supergenius and Telligent founder and CTO, Rob Howard.
Rob will be presenting a case study based on how Texas Instruments’ E2E Community is driving productivity through increased engagement and shared these three ideas as a preview:
- Communities make it easier to communicate with customers. One of the biggest and most immediate benefits of a strong community is that it makes it easy for quick and efficient communication between you and your customers.
- Communities help scale your support. By consolidating all the information about your products, all your support staff, and all your customers, your communities can be a helpful resource that customers can use again and again.
- Complex business challenges are where collaboration is best. Rob says that often you’ll find the real knowledge about your products and services aren’t in the heads of those that work for you, but rather with your customers who use your stuff every day.
Hear Rob’s live Supergenius preview (and check out our Facebook page to see all our interviews):