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Every day you collect information from your customers about the stuff they buy, the feedback they give you, and the questions they ask. So why not give that information back to your customers?
Here’s how sharing data can help you earn word of mouth:
1. Rehash your greatest hits
2. Bring the data to the real world
3. Find your most vocal fans
1. Rehash your greatest hits
Recently, The New Yorker shared a list of the most-searched articles in their archive. That’s a great way to reuse some of their best content and get more people sifting through their archives. Even better, that’s information they can get quickly and easily from their own site. What could you bring back by popular demand?
2. Bring the data to the real world

Photo thanks to Business Insider.
Are you seeing a recurring theme in your feedback? For example, is there a particular product everyone raves about? Or a bartender everyone loves? These are obvious word of mouth talking points. You can encourage even more people to talk about them if you show them off. Hang up a board to showcase your most-pinned product on Pinterest or put a sticker next to your most-reviewed menu item. That way, you’re not only inspiring more word of mouth — you’re also showing that you care about customer feedback.
3. Find your most vocal fans
Pay attention to the customers who rave about you — the ones who say great stuff about you online or the ones who keep coming back to your store. Did someone leave you a great review on Yelp and share it on Facebook? Do you have a repeat customer or a regular? These could be some of your biggest talkers. Use this data to try focusing some of your word of mouth efforts on helping them share even more.