Don’t let your customers leave without giving them something to show to a friend. In the word of mouth world, we call these “triggers.” They’re handouts, extra free samples, lots of coupons, stickers, snacks — anything that helps them think of you long after they’ve left your store or inspires people they see to ask,…
Word of Mouth Tip #16: Give people something to show a friend
Word of Mouth Tip #81: Let them personalize it
Letting your fans put their own spin on your work helps them create a sense of ownership in what you’re doing. It makes it possible for them to build a stake in it — and when that happens, they’re much more likely to spread it amongst their friends. How a word of mouth supergenius does…
Word of Mouth Tip #78: Help talkers show off your best work
Good word of mouth marketers ask fans to talk about them. Great ones put the tools in their hands to go out and do it. There are an infinite number and different kinds of tools out there, including buttons, stickers, hand-outs, gear, coupons, etc. But sometimes, your product itself is your best tool. This is…
Word of Mouth Tip #23: It’s more fun to work at a company people love to talk about
It’s more fun to work at a brand, big or small, that is dedicated to earning the respect and recommendation of their customers. It’s more fun to believe in what you do — to know that at the end of the day, if you were able to turn a few strangers into happy customers, and a…
Word of Mouth Tip #92: Happy customers are better at finding new customers than you are
So much time and resources within an organization are spent finding and nurturing leads. It’s a crucial part to growing any company: Finding more people to buy your stuff. But too often the most trustworthy people with the best industry connections are overlooked when developing a lead generation and sales strategy: Your happy customers. Instead…