People love to share things they’re a part of, which is why smart word of mouth marketers are always on the hunt for opportunities to feature their fans. Great places to do it include your website, your catalogs, your videos, your ads, and your publications. How a word of mouth supergenius does it: For their…
Word of Mouth Tip #93: Feature your fans in a big way
Word of Mouth Tip #57: Help people look smarter to their friends
Talkers love the opportunity to show off their smarts, their insider-knowledge, or their special status. Every time you help them show off their hard work and brains, you help them start conversations with friends, co-workers, and strangers. How a word of mouth supergenius does it: As one of the hottest new social networks, location-based foursquare…
Word of Mouth Tip #29: Help people help a friend
People love to help and support those they care about — it’s one of the driving fundamentals behind word of mouth. When you make an honest effort to help people help others, you earn a little spot in that relationship. You become an important link that everyone benefits from. How a word of mouth supergenius…