Our sister brand SocialMedia.org hosts the incredible BlogWell: How Big Brands Use Social Media conference series — and their next one is coming up in Chicago on July 18. BlogWell events are all about how big brands use social media. No agencies, no startups — just big companies sharing what they’ve learned. You’ll get practical, how-to…
How Cumberland Farms used word of mouth to go from zero to 100,000 Facebook fans in just 6 months
New England convenience store chain Cumberland Farms knew they had a strong fan base around their Chill Zone products (especially among teenagers), they just needed a way to bring this passion out into the open. So, together, our team at Likeable Media and Cumberland teamed up to create and launch their Facebook fan community. Using Facebook…
Sanuk proves a Facebook page doesn’t have to be complicated
Your Facebook page doesn’t have to be complicated to earn a bunch of fans and inspire lots of interaction. Sanuk, proud makers of “funky, functional shoes,” has about as simple of a fan page as you can make, yet they’ve got nearly 6,000 of the most active Facebook fans we’ve seen. Here’s how they make…