Come to BlogWell: How big brands use social media on June 23 in San Francisco to hear Dell, Wells Fargo, Kaiser Permanente, SAP, Pepsi, Cisco, and Intuit share case studies in corporate social media. You’ll learn how to get started, get past roadblocks, and make your social media program phenomenal — in one afternoon, for…
WOM lessons from the 2009 NRA Show: Give them a sticker
Supergenius Example #2: Nathan’s Famous The Nathan’s booth was a complete hot dog stand, rolling out samples for the lines of visitors stretched around the side. Anyone could grab a sample, but as your “ticket,” a Nathan’s representative went through the line giving everyone a sticker to put on their shirt that you then showed…
BlogWell NY social media case study: Disclosure Best Practices, presented by GasPedal’s Andy Sernovitz
Come to BlogWell: How big brands use social media on June 23 in San Francisco to hear Dell, Wells Fargo, Kaiser Permanente, SAP, Pepsi, Cisco, and Intuit share case studies in corporate social media. You’ll learn how to get started, get past roadblocks, and make your social media program phenomenal — in one afternoon, for…