[Welcome back to our Word of Mouth Marketing Lessons newsletter. This is text from the great issue all of our email subscribers just received. Sign yourself up using this handy form.] The 5 Ts are the fundamental principles of word of mouth marketing. Every successful word of mouth campaign — planned or otherwise — has these…
Word of Mouth Tip #163: The more you explain, the more your fans feel connected
When you open up and take people behind the curtain, a few things happen: They trust you more, because you’re not afraid to take them behind the scenes. They criticize less, because they understand more. They offer more ideas, because they see more opportunities to help. The best part? This is pretty easy to do….
No pictures allowed
This is a guest post from Mitch Joel — President, Twist Image and author of Six Pixels of Separation. See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on his blog. I once nearly got kicked out of a furniture store. Apparently, I broke a very strict rule of “no photography” while looking to make my purchases. Do…
The Wizards of word of mouth marketing
This guest post is from Jeremy Epstein, VP of Marketing and Social Navigator at Sprinklr. The art of word of mouth generation lies in recognizing when a small effort that costs you little or nothing can have a big impact — and will give someone a reason to talk about you. I took my son to…
Word of Mouth Tip #154: Fans can help you build anything
When it comes to this word of mouth stuff, we see a lot of BtoB marketers throw their hands in the air and say these ideas will only work for the BtoC folks. But BtoB brands can have just as much fun. Take Caterpillar, for example. They’re not exactly what you would call a sexy…