All word of mouth starts with a topic of conversation — a simple, portable, repeatable idea that gets people talking.
Five ways to change your “relationship status” with influencers
This is a guest post from Ian Greenleigh — Bazaarvoice’s Manager of Content and Social Strategy and author of the upcoming book The Social Side Door. The topic of influencers usually focuses on tools more than strategies. Klout, for instance, is not a strategy, it’s a tool that tends to dominate any discussion of influencer discovery and…
Word of Mouth Math: The surprising value of customer interactions
This is a guest post from Jeff Frank, owner of Simplicity Sofas — a company that designs and manufactures furniture for small rooms and narrow entranceways. True story: A few days ago one of my employees was telling me about a local diner she had been going to at least once or twice a month…
Word of mouth builds the business: staffing your store to spread the word
This is a guest post from Jeanne Bliss — customer experience expert and author of “I Love You More Than My Dog.” See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on her blog. Amy’s Ice Creams in Austin, Texas, is beloved for two things: the ice cream and the floor show. They are the…
How you know when you’ve created a successful community
This is a guest post from Douglas Atkin, CEO at The Glue Project and author of “The Culting of Brands.” The engine of loyalty is community. The engine of community is mutual support. The most powerful agent in creating loyalty is belonging. I would argue that the main ingredients of a successful community all create a…