[Welcome back to our Word of Mouth Marketing Lessons newsletter. This is text from the great issue all of our email subscribers just received. Sign yourself up using this handy form.] Product Hunt is an online community for product enthusiasts, makers, investors, and journalists who are interested in the latest tech products — from hoverboards…
WOM Tip #221: Let your employees give people a reason to party
When a representative from Johnsonville Sausage found out our CEO, Andy, was from Wisconsin and missed Johnsonville Brats, they sent us a hand-written note and dozens of coupons. (Seriously, a ridiculous amount of coupons.) They sent so many coupons for sausage and brats, Andy was inspired to invite the whole office to his house for…
Handwritten notes are magic
This is a guest post from Drew McLellan, CEO and Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group. See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on his blog. As I was speaking to a college class one night, and our conversation reminded me of this marketing tip. Handwritten notes are practically unheard…
Food for thought: A business education in 20 courses
This guest post is from Andy Nulman — President of Just for Laughs and author of “Pow! Right Between the Eyes: Profiting from the Power of Surprise.” See the original post this was adapted from and more like it on his blog. Here’s a big statement to start your day: A dinner at Chicago’s Alinea restaurant should…
WOM Tip #578: Celebrate your customer — not yourself
When most companies have grand opening, they celebrate their store: flags in the parking lot, banners over the door, and billboard announcements. When The Container Store opens a new location, they celebrate their customers. Before The Container Store opens a newly built store, they give their biggest fans the opportunity to become a “Super Fan.”…
Five competencies = engine for growth
This is a guest post from Jeanne Bliss — customer experience expert and author of “I Love You More Than My Dog.” See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on her blog. Here are the five customer experience competencies that will create a reliable customer experience across the organization and…