Congratulations to Eric Beato, Matt Horne, Jeff Kitchen, Brandon, Mark Waldman, Dusty Rhoades, Lynn O’Connell, Pat Lee, John Chase, and Alex. You won Seth’s new book Tribes. Stay tuned for our next book contest: Back of the Napkin by Dan Roam.
Winners of the Seth Godin Book Contest
Corporate Blogger: Angel or Demon? Guest Blogger – Valeria Maltoni, SunGard
(Members of the Blog Council lead corporate blogging and social media at large corporations. We are delighted to share their thoughts on blogging from the corporate perspective. This post is the guest author’s personal opinion.) I recently presented to the 2008 MIMA Summit on the topic of corporate blogging. Of the many thoughts I presented,…
Why haven’t you started a word of mouth marketing program?
Word of mouth marketing is easy, fun, and effective. You can do it with your existing staff, without spending money. We’ll teach you how at the Word of Mouth Marketing Crash Course. It is the best way to get started. 5 guarantees from the Word of Mouth Marketing Crash Course 1. Practical, how-to course This…