Tune-up your website to help your fans talk about you: 1> Make it easy to print 2> Create images to share 3> Give text to copy 1> Make it easy to print When someone hits print from your site, how clean is the printout? Make sure your print style sheets are set up to include…
Lava Row uses word of mouth to get a new slogan
When Iowa-based Lava Row, a social media consulting firm, decided to get rid of their old business cards in favor of a new slogan, they asked their fans for help. They hosted a local TweetUp meeting where employees handed out their old cards and asked their friends and fans to come up with a new…
Google creates word of mouth by helping employees become talkers
As a Christmas gift, Google gave their employees an HTC Dream Android phone. Not only is this a great way to have a large group of people test the phone and find opportunities for improvement — it’s also a fantastic way to get people talking. While all their employees were home for the holidays, they…
Acknowledge your frequent customers to get people talking
Via Becky Carroll of Customers Rock!, we see how a local Starbucks featured a customer’s favorite drink combo as “Customer Latte of the Week: Mary’s Latte.” Think Mary told anyone about this? Think anyone tried a new drink? Think anyone told their friends about the unique promotion? The Lesson: Acknowledging frequent customers can be pretty simple…