You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Blogging by the Numbers
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Rising Gas Prices and WOM
You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Coworkers are Key WOM Influencers
You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Guest Genius: Jory Des Jardins
Each Tuesday, we’re happy to turn over our blog space to a Guest Genius, someone who can give a fantastic and fascinating perspective about making word of mouth work. This week’s guest genius:Jory Des JardinsCo-Founder and President, Strategic Alliances of BlogHer, Inc. WOMEN BLOGGERS: WHOM DO WE TRUST? Since 2005, when my organization, BlogHer, held…
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Women Actively Spread WOM
You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!