Your fans represent an army of potential product designers, customer experience innovators, taste-testers, and “aha” idea suggesters. But how do you do it? It can be hard enough just to get busy customers to leave a review — how do you get this much participation from them? In the video below, The Clorox Company’s Greg Piche shares…
Video: Clorox’s Greg Piche on how they’re working with fans to create new products
Clorox: Gaming Mechanics in Social Networks — Live from BlogWell
4:30 — Andy Sernovitz introduces Clorox’s Social Network Architect, Greg Piche. 4:31 — Greg: My talk is going to be about gaming mechanics in social networks, and specifically how we use gaming mechanics to drive engagement. 4:32 — Greg shares a little bit of background around Clorox. He says they actually “went off the deep…