Here’s a good rule of thumb: If you’re unsure of how to do something worth talking about, look for things that everyone else is doing and try to do the opposite. It works for your policies, your design, your pricing, your copy — everything. Here’s a great example: For her new book, instead of putting…
The Word of Mouth Action Plan
Create a complete word of mouth marketing plan using this worksheet’s eight simple steps.
Word of mouth: Not just another marketing channel
This is a guest post Terri Whitesel, Manager of Online Marketing for DeKalb Medical. How we built a word of mouth-worthy orthopedic service from the ground up What do you do when your product or service is not WOM worthy? How do you plan a service experience from beginning to end to assure that your…
The fan vs. follower vs. community checklist
This is a guest post from Douglas Atkin, CEO at The Glue Project and author of “The Culting of Brands.” Fan, follower, or community member? In the past, I’ve interviewed people about whether they are enabling real community. Most of them have been in the commercial arena. Many of them want to create communities around their…
Word of Mouth Tip #137: Short-term negative feedback is worth the long-term trust
It’s tempting to hide the negative feedback, the lousy reviews, and the tough criticism. But instead of trying to hide it (which is impossible anyways), a better option is feature it, respond to it, or explain how you’re incorporating the feedback into future products. The negative stuff might cost you a few sales today, but…
Video: How creates fan loyalty through customer service
In any business, there are a lot of risky investments — but great customer service isn’t one of them. Thrilling customers with incredible service will never go out of style or succumb to the whims of a market. It’s a sure-fire way of earning word of mouth from your customers. The more you invest in…
9 glorious truths about creating great content
This is a guest post from Mitch Joel — President, Twist Image and author of Six Pixels of Separation. See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on his blog. Marketers don’t like to make mistakes. People don’t like to make mistakes. Content has become a core ingredient in the marketer’s recipe for success. The challenge is…