In the baseball bat business, you’ve got to stand out to survive (because let’s face it — all the bats look pretty much the same). That’s why Louisville Slugger relies on being unique and using word of mouth to sell their products. So, during last year’s World Series, Louisville Slugger (with the help of their…
Video: How Louisville Slugger created a ton of buzz for a city-wide scavenger hunt
Ads worth spreading
This is a guest post from Mitch Joel — President, Twist Image and author of Six Pixels of Separation. See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on his blog. People hate advertising. How often have you heard that line? Do you believe it to be true? I don’t (no shock there). I prefer to turn the…
Word of Mouth Tip #108: Disclosure is easy
An ethical and honest disclosure doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to be loaded with legal jargon. Just say who you are, who you work for, if you’re being paid — anything the reader / site owner / customer needs to know. And the best part? Great disclosure makes your marketing, your…
Video: How Costco creates topics that drive long-term word of mouth
Have you seen the latest Costco commercial? No? That’s because they don’t exist — Costco runs on a business model that is fueled by word of mouth. Usually when people think of Costco they think of buying in bulk — but after a while, that becomes old news and customers need a new reason to…
Is your business covered in Scotch Tape?
This guest post is from Andy Nulman, President of Just for Laughs. It was a late summer weekend, and I spent most of it walking downtown — which is why today I come to you with the confession that I hate Scotch Tape. Yes, a strange confession. But not without justifiable explanation. In countless store windows,…