You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Traditional journalists believe in the power of new media
Guest Genius: Jory Des Jardins
Each Tuesday, we’re happy to turn over our blog space to a Guest Genius, someone who can give a fantastic and fascinating perspective about making word of mouth work. This week’s guest genius:Jory Des JardinsCo-Founder and President, Strategic Alliances of BlogHer, Inc. WOMEN BLOGGERS: WHOM DO WE TRUST? Since 2005, when my organization, BlogHer, held…
Join the Word of Mouth Marketing Facebook Group
We’ve started up another resource to make it easier for you to join in the word of mouth conversation: our new Facebook group, Word of Mouth Marketing, is a place to learn some new things, get involved in WOM-related discussions, and network with folks who are also interested in becoming a word of mouth marketing…
Word of Mouth Marketing Research: Consumers show just how viral videos can be
You can be a supergenius with GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Marketing Research slide of the week. Share it, copy it and send it to a friend!
Scholarships to the Word of Mouth Crash Course
GasPedal is excited to announce we are giving away 15% of the seats to our word of mouth marketing class to non-profits, small businesses and bloggers. Here are the details: The scholarships are being awarded as part of our commitment to help hard-working organizations and individuals learn to execute effective word of mouth strategies, even…
Guest Genius: David Meerman Scott
Each Tuesday, we’re happy to turn over our blog space to a Guest Genius, someone who can give a fantastic and fascinating perspective about making word of mouth work. This week’s guest genius:David Meerman ScottBestselling author of "The New Rules of Marketing & PR" NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PRODUCTS (EXCEPT YOU) Let’s be honest, OK? …