Coverage of this session by SAP’s Marilyn Pratt. Follower her on Twitter at @marilynpratt. 1:30 — Kurt Vanderah introduces SAP’s Senior Director of Social Media Marketing, Brian Ellefritz. 1:30 — Brian quips with the audience saying the difference between ethics and disclosure – Ethics prevents Brian from saying this (his) session is better than the…
How CME Group is connecting with their fans on Twitter and LinkedIn — live from BlogWell
Come to BlogWell: How Big Brands Use Social Media on November 9 to hear SAP, SunGard, American Express, Scholastic, BlackRock, Johnson & Johnson, The Hershey Company, and Pfizer share case studies in corporate social media. You’ll learn how to get started, get past roadblocks, and make your social media program phenomenal — in one afternoon,…