Learn about the 5 principles of Likeonomics in this excerpt from Rohit Bhargava’s latest book.
Excerpt from Bhargava’s “Likeonomics”
Good Attention vs. Bad Attention
The confluence of January’s Super Bowl and its focus on immense ad spend, coupled with my speaking at the NetPromoter conference triggered a thought: Are there two kinds of attention (let’s call them “Good Attention” and “Bad Attention”), in the same way that there are two kinds of profits? We know that there are two kinds of profits. Good profits…
United Airlines uses a little customer service to start big conversations
My friend Auren shared a great example of how every touch point matters and how, if you do it right, it gets amplified via social media. It all started when he left his Kindle on a plane. Then, he gets an email from United telling him they have it and are holding it until he can pick…
Word of Mouth Tip #112: Do something funny with your legalese
Look for the overlooked, the forgotten, the boring, and the routine parts of doing business. These are your best opportunities to surprise customers with some personality. That’s why legalese is so great. Every other marketer you’re competing with is ignoring it — which means you’ve got a chance to do something worth talking about. GameStation…
Free Download: 9 Things to Share That Start Conversations
Download Now If you want people to spread word of mouth, you have to make your message portable. But even if your word of mouth topic is remarkable enough and short enough to remember, your customers need something to give them that extra push to talk about your stuff. That’s where you can step in…
The Word of Mouth Sketchnotes by Mike Rohde
Mike Rohde is a designer, sketchnoter, and writer who turns real-time conference presentations, books, ideas — pretty much anything — into easy-to-follow sketchnotes. Mike used his talents to transform WordofMouth.org CEO Andy Sernovitz‘s word of mouth class into a visual tutorial on everything you need to start earning the respect and recommendation of your customers….