Companies who consistently go out of their way on behalf of their customers are the ones everyone loves to talk about. More than stunts, fancy website widgets, the latest social media tools, or sophisticated marketing techniques — a dedication to delivering amazing experiences for your customers is still the best way to earn real word…
Word of Mouth Tip #85: Having a little fun makes it easier to talk about serious topics
You may see your cause as the most important thing in the world — and your followers may too — but that doesn’t automatically make it easy to talk about. Diseases, war, political issues, and controversial topics are often tough topics to talk about. Even if everyone at the party hopes for peace in Darfur, nobody feels like…
Word of Mouth Tip #46: Bad situations are great opportunities to earn word of mouth
Because our world is run by humans, it’s a given that things will go wrong. At some point, something is going to break. Maybe it’s your fault, maybe not. The details won’t matter to the customer that’s stranded, delayed, hopeless, and generally screwed. And this is the point where great word of mouth marketers separate…
Word of Mouth Tip #74: Create something amazing and give it away
Word of mouth needs a trigger — something to spark the conversation. Triggers come in all shapes and sizes. Buttons, badges, handouts, cards, T-shirts, artwork, research, lists, or ideas can all ignite word of mouth. And like anything, the more useful, unique, sticky, funky, bubbly, or brilliant the trigger, the more conversation it creates. How a…
Word of Mouth Tip #18: Make it exclusive
If everyone knows about it, if everyone can access it, and if everyone’s already seen it — why would anyone talk about it? For great products, we call this the “chocolate problem” because while we all love chocolate (and we do, don’t we?), when was the last time eating any inspired us to tell anyone?…
Word of Mouth Tip #96: Make ordinary transactions remarkable
Your fans are involved in dozens of transactions every day, online and off. Whether it’s grabbing coffee before work, buying a movie ticket, or picking up groceries, transactions are constantly occurring. Most order processes are the same – a mundane sequence of entering personal information, selecting a shipping speed, and getting a verification email a…
Word of Mouth Tip #92: Use offline opportunities to tell fans how to follow you online
When trying to earn online followers, don’t forget about all the offline chances to tell fans where to find you. In your store, your trade show booth, your business cards, or your invoices: Let them know where to find you on Facebook, let them know how to follow you on Twitter, and make it easy…