What sparks the irrepressible enthusiasm of Apple, IKEA, Harley-Davidson, Southwest, Zappos, and Patagonia fans? Why is everyone talking about a certain restaurant, car, band, or dry cleaner — and why are other businesses and products ignored? Why do some products become huge successes without a penny of promotion — and why do some multi-million-dollar advertising…
Free download: The Four Rules of Word of Mouth Marketing
Being a great word of mouth marketer doesn’t require an advanced degree, a big budget, or a ton of resources. Just focus on these four simple rules and you’ll get a bunch of happy customers talking about you, for free, forever. The rules: Be interesting. Nobody talks about boring companies. Make it easy. Word of…
The Five Ts of Word of Mouth
Here it is: Our all-time most downloaded guide on the fundamental elements behind every great word of mouth marketing campaign.