Focus on these elements to get folks talking about you right out of the box:
1> The box itself
2> Inside the box
3> When it arrives
1> The box itself
The best shipping boxes are the ones in which everybody knows where it came from before it’s ever opened. Unique box shapes or graphical designs are what can separate your brand from the pile of shipments everyone receives. At the very least, your boxes should make it easy for someone to say, “Hey, you just got a package from ________.”
2> Inside the box
In addition to your product, include extras that are designed to be shared with friends. This can include for-a-friend coupons, extra catalogs and fan posters. You’re already including a bunch of packing material in your shipments anyways, so be sure you’re filling wasted space with lots of stuff to share.
3> When it arrives
Set shipping expectations and make it a habit of beating them. While nobody believes the 4-6 weeks line anymore, you can still establish a reasonable shipping timeframe and make efforts to beat it. If you surprise people with how quickly your product gets to their door, they’ll talk about you.