1:00 — GasPedal’s Andy Sernovitz opens BlogWell: How Big Brands Use Social Media here in Seattle, hosted by Microsoft.
1:03 — Sponsor ICUC welcomes audience and gives intro into real life moderation services
1:04 — Kurt Vanderah intros sponsors such as Jive and StrongMail, Social Media Sponsors, Social Media Business Council and speakers
1:07 — Kurt discusses logistics 1. 4 case studies 2. Break 3. Ethics Briefing 4. More case studies
1:10 — Rick from Microsoft welcomes audience. Discusses Microsoft’s decision to not regulate heavily in social media strategy. Rick: Follow 1 rule – be smart. Across campaigns, examples are evident of how we reach and support their segment.
1:13 — Kurt introduces Andy S.
1:14 — Andy: Why we are here – we believe in power of social media. Not just another channel. When people engage in conversation, they know how to listen. This makes us better people and companies. How do we become “nicer” through power of social media? When you do this individually, it’s easy. It’s so much harder for larger/older companies (political obstacles, etc). Battle company and bloggers questioning how you are implementing. There will be mistakes. Stakes are so big, but fight is more worth fighting.