Before you launch a product, run an ad, create a sale, host an event — whatever — before you do it, ask yourself: Would anyone tell a friend about this? It’s the number one rule in word of mouth marketing. Without the element of “remarkable,” your product, your idea, and your story won’t spread. The…
Masi Bicycles demonstrates an easy way to put your fans in your ads
When Masi Bicycles was preparing to shoot photos for their next catalog, Masi’s Brand Manager, Tim Jackson, posted a shout-out to all fans in the area to stop by to possibly get in their new catalog and ads. Here’s Tim’s post: Calling all Minneapolis Masi owners! Next week, May 18th to 22nd, I’ll be in Minneapolis…
How Ford supports Mustang fans by dedicating a chunk of their site to them
As Ford rolls out its 2010 Mustang, a big chunk of their new micro-site is all about connecting visitors to the external sites owned and operated by die-hard Mustang fanatics. Broken down into three categories — “Accessories,” “Clubs and Forums,” and “Favorite Sites” — Ford points to dozens of their biggest online fans. The Lesson:…
Grasshopper’s word of mouth case study
Recently, Grasshopper (formerly GotVMail) — a company that offers telephone services for entrepreneurs — launched a word of mouth campaign to let everyone know that they changed their name. To get the word out, they reached out to “5,000 of the most influential people in North America” (including our own Andy Sernovitz) and sent them…
Come to GasPedal’s Word of Mouth Crash Course; Sept. 17, Chicago
Ready for word of mouth? Join GasPedal’s Andy Sernovitz — author of Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking — for the world’s only crash course in word of mouth on September 17 in Chicago. Learn how to earn the respect, the recommendation, and the love of your customers — and how…