The quick and simple summary of everything you need to know about the fundamentals of word of mouth.
Excerpt from Bhargava’s “Likeonomics”
Learn about the 5 principles of Likeonomics in this excerpt from Rohit Bhargava’s latest book.
The Word of Mouth Sketchnotes by Mike Rohde
Mike Rohde is a designer, sketchnoter, and writer who turns real-time conference presentations, books, ideas — pretty much anything — into easy-to-follow sketchnotes. Mike used his talents to transform CEO Andy Sernovitz‘s word of mouth class into a visual tutorial on everything you need to start earning the respect and recommendation of your customers….
Free download: The Face-to-Face Book (Introduction) by Ed Keller and Brad Fay
According to research, “More than 90 percent of the conversations about products, services, and brands that take place every day in America happen offline.” In this book about in-person social networking, word of mouth marketing experts Ed Keller and Brad Fay prove how offline word of mouth is the key to soaring revenues. Together with…
Free download: First chapter of “Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking” by Andy Sernovitz
What sparks the irrepressible enthusiasm of Apple, IKEA, Harley-Davidson, Southwest, Zappos, and Patagonia fans? Why is everyone talking about a certain restaurant, car, band, or dry cleaner — and why are other businesses and products ignored? Why do some products become huge successes without a penny of promotion — and why do some multi-million-dollar advertising…