This is a guest post from Andy Sernovitz — CEO of and and New York Times bestselling author of “Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking.” See the original post this is adapted from and more like it on his blog.
My daughter is four years from getting braces.
But the local orthodontist is doing an amazing job of staying top-of-mind. She loves to wear their t-shirts — where everyone else at school (including parents) see it. I wrote about them a year ago, and the technique is still going strong.
If you have a long-term sale: What can you do to keep people talking about you for years? You need to stay in their face and in the conversation — which isn’t as hard as you think. Shirts, sponsorships, participating in the local community, desk toys … think about anything that people hold on to and/or display.
About Andy Sernovitz
Andy Sernovitz builds organizations that help people help each other. His company, GasPedal, builds peer-to-peer communities for people leading meaningful change at the world’s biggest companies, including and Health. He wrote the best-selling book Word of Mouth Marketing, which teaches you how to earn the respect and recommendation of your customers.